About me

I am an aspiring philosopher of science at Boston University, in my fourth-year of study in the department of philosophy’s PhD program in Spring 2023. I graduated from the Rose Hill Honors Program at Fordham University in 2020, where I received my bachelor’s degree in philosophy and classical civilizations. I am originally from Long Island, New York, where I attended Rocky Point High School.

My research in the philosophy of science explores epistemic issues arising from measurement and the detection of so-called “unobservables.” How do scientists “gain access” to entities that we cannot know by mere perception alone? What constitutes an (in)direct detection? Currently, I am working on a project that considers how scientists model the geodynamics of the Precambrian Earth by making use of multiple lines of evidence, including trace-based data, simulations, and physical models. I am a member of Dr. Alisa Bokulich’s Philosophy of the Geosciences Research Group at BU, which is an invaluable source of feedback and support for me as I develop my work regarding such issues and others in the philosophy of science.

Aside from the philosophy of science, I am also interested in Ancient Greek philosophy (particularly Stoic epistemology). I also have interests in phenomenology (particularly the works of Edmund Husserl) and epistemic issues arising from perception.

If you too are a philosopher, please feel free to connect via email, or using any of my social profiles linked on this website! I can be reached at brewer@bu.edu.